Tyres - and where to find them

Suspension, Brakes, Wheels and Tyres
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Tyres - and where to find them

Post by Editor » 8th November 2007 - 11:35am

Note the date - prices have changed a fair bit now (2009).
mytyres.co.uk have Continentals at less than £50 in 165-15, and others as low as £35 incl. shipping and VAT but not fitting - sounds good, but check your local tyre place as well.

Michelin XZX classic tyres, in our stock size of 165x15 are listed on the Longstone Tyres site at £65.00 each + VAT, with free carriage or free fitting/balancing from Longstone Tyres (Craig Barrowcliffe).

Firestone at around £38, and other makes up to about £100.

They will also give 5% discount to club members.
http://www.longstonetyres.co.uk or phone 01302 711 123.

To confirm your order please send credit card details and your full delivery address ( including phone number). Or you can fax us on 01302 710 113.

Other sources worth looking at are http://www.etyres.co.uk who offer a mobile fitting and balancing service.

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