VW Type 3 and Type 4 Websites and Contacts
Type 3 and 4 + groups:-
VW Type 3 Org (List-serve) http://www.vwtype3.org
VW Type 4 Org http://www.type4.org
Type3 UK Yahoo e-group http://www.t3uk.org.uk t3uk@yahoogroups.com
Type 34 Karmann Ghia Registry (Scott Perry) http://www.type34.org/
Notchbacks of North America no URL
German Typ3 Liebhaber e.V. (Enthusiasts group) http://www.typ3.de
Austrian Type 3 site http://www.typ3.com webmaster@typ3.com
NEW ! Type 34 world forum http://t34world.proboards.com/index.cgi
Type 3 and 4 Owners' Sites:
John Jaranson's Type 3 http://hometown.aol.com/jaransonT3
Type 4 site (from Sweden) http://www.algonet.se/~linkan/Type4home.html
The Type 2 and Type 3 Experience (Everett Barnes) http://www.thesamba.com
Iain Carr Type 3 resto etc http://homepages.enterprise.net/iainvw
SP2 Brazilian Type 3 based VW sports car http://www.vwsp2.com.br
Type 3 and 4 Technical:-
Type3.org archive search http://www.vwtype3.org/list/
Kjell's Guide to D-Jet Maintenance http://www.914fan.net/djet.html
Type 3 dynamo to alternator conversion; FI Manual etc http://www.icbm.org air_cooled_nut@pobox.com
Eberspacher petrol heater manuals http://www.conservatory.com/vw/manuals_nyx
Type 3 Detectives http://www.typethreedetectives.com
Tommy's Type 4 pages inc. D-Jet FI manual http://www.type4.org
Type 3 bits for sale (inc UK) http://www.vwtype3.org/classifieds/
6Volt LEDs to replace bulbs http://www.alliedelec.com
Type 3 Full flow oil filter (OZ) http://www.pipeline.com.au/users/hoopty/notch.htm
Type 3 parts (from Calif.) http://www.billandsteves.com
Type 3 Parts (from Canada) http://www.bowwow.ca
Type 3 cover sills; Hadrian http://www.carpanels.co.uk/
Die Grossen VW : Definitive book on Type 3 and Type 4 VWs (German) http://www.karl-goerner.de/vw.htm vw@karl-goerner.de
General VW Technical:-
John Henry's Bug Shop (**) http://www.thebugshop.org/
VW restoration http://members.tripod.com/~thomasamille ... ation.html
Eastwood Restoration Co. http://www.eastwoodco.com
Volksheaven VW dismantlers http://www.volksheaven.co.uk
Type 2 + wiring diagrams http://www.vintagebus.com
Commercial Type 2 site http://www.busdepot.com
Type 2 chassis codes http://www.type2.com/m-codes/ molenari@dds.nl
West Coast Metric http://www.westcoastmetric.com
Scott Fraser Type 4 engine into Type 2 site http://www.dolphinsci.com/typeIV.html
General VW Sites:-
VWm Magazine http://www.vwmonline.co.uk vwm@warners.co.uk
VolksWorld http://www.volksworld.com volksworld@ipc.co.uk
Super VWs (French VW Magazine) http://www.supervwmag.com supervw@mail.planete.net
London & Thames Valley VW Club http://www.ltv-vwc.org.uk
Associationof British VW Clubs http://www.abvwc.org.uk
Historic VW Club http://www.historicvws.org.uk/
VW Owners' Club (GB) http://www.vwocgb.com
Cornish VW Owners Club http://www.cvwoc.co.uk
Type 2 Owners' Club http://www.vwt2oc.org.uk
KG Club of North America http://KarmannGhia.org
Perth VW Club, Australia. Bernd Felsche http://www.vwclub.asn.au/
A Great VW Site http://www.ploon.nl/
VW Books (UK) http://www.vwbooks.co.uk rod@vwbooks.co.uk
Miscellaneous VW Sites and links:-
VW Links Pages http://www.renegadegenius.com/cgi-bin/allvw/vwlink.cgi
Volkswagen AG sites; Factory http://www.volkswagen.co.uk/volkswagen- ... /wolfsburg
Museum http://automuseum.volkswagen.de/
Autostadt (English pages) http://www.autostadt.de/info/cda/main/0 ... ~1,00.html
VW and KG Museums Visits http://www.flash.net/~mikeh74/
European VW Meetings reports http://home.wxs.nl/~vwkever/index.html
© VW Type 3 & 4 Club; 2000, 2004